The expansion of the Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) landscape has led to the creation of frameworks and standards catering to a range of industry stakeholders. The increase in the number of frameworks and standards has resulted in the proliferation of ESG indicators, against which organisations can report their non-financial performance.
The heightened investor demand for ESG disclosures, new regulations, and a growing number of frameworks and standards creates challenges for organisations looking to disclose their sustainability metrics1 . ESG Book streamlines this process by providing a single platform housing commonly used frameworks and standards. To further simplify the disclosure experience, and reduce the reporting burden, a cross-framework mapping functionality will be available on the platform to support users with their disclosure journeys. Indicator mapping is an approach through which indicators can be matched by relevance to find commonalities across frameworks and standards, identifying indicators where relevant information can flow between questionnaires.
This blog post aims to introduce the new indicator mapping feature for quantitative metrics, both within and across frameworks, which will be made available on ESG Book and discuss the ways in which mappings can be used to generate value for users.
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